Chapter 2 Data Processing

  1. Prepare data tables (minimum: count matrix, column data)
  2. Compile all data into an .RData or .db object.

2.1 Preparation

To implement this app, you will need three types of data:

  1. Count tables in ./data/CountTables/ folder
  • This contains the count matrix
  • The first column of count matrix must gene symbols
  • The column names of your count table must be the same as the rownames of your ‘colData’ (see below).
X Sample50_BALB.c_SHAM_M Sample51_BALB.c_SHAM_M Sample55_BALB.c_SHAM_F Sample56_BALB.c_SHAM_F Sample57_BALB.c_SHAM_F Sample58_B10.D2_SHAM_M Sample60_B10.D2_SHAM_M Sample67_B10.D2_SHAM_F Sample71_BALB.c_SHAM_M Sample77_B10.D2_SHAM_F Sample88_B10.D2_SHAM_M Sample49_BALB.c_SNI_M Sample64_BALB.c_SNI_F Sample65_BALB.c_SNI_F Sample69_B10.D2_SNI_F Sample70_BALB.c_SNI_M Sample76_B10.D2_SNI_F Sample78_B10.D2_SNI_F Sample89_B10.D2_SNI_M Sample90_B10.D2_SNI_M symbol
ENSMUSG00000000001 20.6460082 20.9684737 25.6051105 17.9245459 21.8279448 23.8898091 20.8612482 21.1079774 21.9353412 19.8810344 25.4903826 23.2414339 26.0955758 24.5983920 22.3698430 25.4514816 23.2571636 25.0393354 21.4696758 21.4316521 Gnai3
ENSMUSG00000000003 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 Pbsn
ENSMUSG00000000028 1.2444692 1.0386601 1.4225152 0.8771354 0.7774382 0.9572740 0.6793672 0.8532159 0.9904448 0.8884526 1.1943520 1.4496099 1.0502148 0.9892706 0.8066116 0.8839994 0.9460189 0.9714055 0.9352520 0.9411879 Cdc45
ENSMUSG00000000031 146.6304065 78.6870749 279.4541932 122.2226711 86.5995137 385.7192026 402.3015644 373.7624763 83.4889245 416.2586323 523.7706518 34.6120591 215.3297763 259.9150108 642.1622405 103.1170442 510.7111982 497.6381737 213.8979427 462.2669044 H19
ENSMUSG00000000037 0.0673974 0.0434038 0.0736720 0.0567710 0.0603054 0.0782123 0.0638765 0.0663909 0.0661561 0.0811122 0.1074937 0.0509788 0.0717639 0.0585030 0.0728068 0.0970444 0.0831925 0.1111677 0.0729349 0.0880621 Scml2
ENSMUSG00000000049 0.0895870 0.0961564 0.0699482 0.0611854 0.1214547 0.1831722 0.1309992 0.1764983 0.0713003 0.1952917 0.2609194 0.1016442 0.0931727 0.0818572 0.1539641 0.1098845 0.2628942 0.1581742 0.1856444 0.2387010 Apoh


  1. Column Data (abbrev: colData) in ./data/ColDatas/ folder
  • This contains the info about each sample
  • The rownames of ‘colData’ must be the same as the column names of your count table.
  • The colnames of colData must include ‘Condition’, which specifies the disease/healthy condition of your samples.
  • If your experiment contains additional parameters such as Population, Timepoint, and Sex, you will need to rename them to this format.
X Sample Population Condition Sex Sample_Pop_Cond_Sex Dataset Species Timepoint
Sample50_BALB.c_SHAM_M Sample50_BALB.c_SHAM_M Sample50 BALB.c SHAM M Sample50_BALB.c_SHAM_M Bulk DRG Mouse (DRG) na
Sample51_BALB.c_SHAM_M Sample51_BALB.c_SHAM_M Sample51 BALB.c SHAM M Sample51_BALB.c_SHAM_M Bulk DRG Mouse (DRG) na
Sample55_BALB.c_SHAM_F Sample55_BALB.c_SHAM_F Sample55 BALB.c SHAM F Sample55_BALB.c_SHAM_F Bulk DRG Mouse (DRG) na
Sample56_BALB.c_SHAM_F Sample56_BALB.c_SHAM_F Sample56 BALB.c SHAM F Sample56_BALB.c_SHAM_F Bulk DRG Mouse (DRG) na
Sample57_BALB.c_SHAM_F Sample57_BALB.c_SHAM_F Sample57 BALB.c SHAM F Sample57_BALB.c_SHAM_F Bulk DRG Mouse (DRG) na
Sample58_B10.D2_SHAM_M Sample58_B10.D2_SHAM_M Sample58 B10.D2 SHAM M Sample58_B10.D2_SHAM_M Bulk DRG Mouse (DRG) na


  1. Differential expression data frames (abbrev: deg_df) in ./data/DegData/ folder
  • This data file contains the log2FoldChange and statistics of one case vs control
  • An experiment can have multiple deg_df files
baseMean log2FoldChange lfcSE stat pvalue padj symbol Population
ENSMUSG00000109908 10.737773 6.453185 4.103313 1.572677 NA NA NA b10d2
ENSMUSG00000096108 4.372395 -6.405612 3.800576 -1.685432 0.0919053 NA NA b10d2
ENSMUSG00000095889 3.541538 -6.168911 4.228860 -1.458765 0.1446299 NA NA b10d2
ENSMUSG00000073494 5.130631 5.941862 1.068377 5.561578 0.0000000 NA Sh2d1b2 b10d2
ENSMUSG00000036357 3.708027 5.483357 1.130411 4.850764 0.0000012 NA Gpr101 b10d2
ENSMUSG00000076538 3.050185 -5.384935 1.643832 -3.275843 0.0010535 NA NA b10d2

2.2 Species (optional)

If your data contains different species, you will also need datasets that allow you map gene symbols/IDs between species. We have provided an option using the biomaRt library.

mouse = useMart("ensembl", dataset = "mmusculus_gene_ensembl", verbose = TRUE, host = "")
human = useMart("ensembl", dataset = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl", verbose = TRUE, host = "")

human_gene_data = getLDS(attributes = c("mgi_symbol","ensembl_gene_id"), 
                filters = "ensembl_gene_id", 
                values = count$X, 
                mart = mouse, 
                attributesL = c("hgnc_symbol", "ensembl_gene_id", "description"), 
                martL = human, 

colnames(human_gene_data) = c("mgi_symbol", "mouse_gene_id", "hgnc_symbol", "human_gene_id")
mgi_symbol mouse_gene_id hgnc_symbol human_gene_id NA
mt-Nd2 ENSMUSG00000064345 MT-ND2 ENSG00000198763 mitochondrially encoded NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase core subunit 2 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:7456]
mt-Atp6 ENSMUSG00000064357 MT-ATP6 ENSG00000198899 mitochondrially encoded ATP synthase membrane subunit 6 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:7414]
mt-Co2 ENSMUSG00000064354 MT-CO2 ENSG00000198712 mitochondrially encoded cytochrome c oxidase II [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:7421]
mt-Nd4l ENSMUSG00000065947 MT-ND4L ENSG00000212907 mitochondrially encoded NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase core subunit 4L [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:7460]
mt-Co1 ENSMUSG00000064351 MT-CO1 ENSG00000198804 mitochondrially encoded cytochrome c oxidase I [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:7419]
mt-Nd5 ENSMUSG00000064367 MT-ND5 ENSG00000198786 mitochondrially encoded NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase core subunit 5 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:7461]

2.3 RData (option 1)

If your experimental data contains managable number of files, you can read them one by one and store them into a list. Name each dataframe object with the name that you will use later.

You can then store the list of dataframes into .RData using the save() function. For example, we can read the the count data frame to list called “mat” and then use the save() function to save it into a file called my_data.RData.

Read count data

mat = list()

# read count data csv into a dataframe 
count = read.csv("./data/CountTables/TPM_mouse.csv", header = TRUE)

# store into 'mat', name the dataframe for accessing it later
mat = append(mat, list("TPM_mouse" = count))

save(mat, file = "my_data.RData")

Read colData, remember to set the rownames to the colnames of your count table

# read count data csv into a dataframe 
colData = read.csv("./data/colData/TPM_mouse_colData.csv", header = TRUE)

# set the rownames 
rownames(colData) = colData[,1]

# store into 'mat', name the dataframe for accessing it later 
mat = append(mat, list("TPM_mouse_colData" = colData))

Process and read differential expression data: If you have multiple DE data, you will need to combine them and add an additional column called ‘Population’.

# read all DE data 
b10d2 = read.csv("./data/DegData/b10d2.csv", header = TRUE)
balb = read.csv("./data/DegData/balb.csv", header = TRUE)

# add 'Population column' 
b10d2$Population = rep("b10d2", nrow(b10d2))
balb$Population = rep("balb", nrow(balb))

# combine them 
deg_df = rbind(b10d2, balb)

# store into 'mat', name the dataframe for accessing it later 
mat = append(mat, list("mouse_deg_df" = deg_df))

To load the data frame from the .RData file later, you can use the load() function in your server.

load("my_data.RData") # add to server

# you can then access the dataframe using its name 
df = mat[["TPM_mouse"]]

NOTE, some functions will need to be modified to read from a .RData instead. This can be done by uncommentng the relevant lines of code. For example:

  shiny::observeEvent(input$load, {
    if (include_count == TRUE){
      # query count datasets
      ## comment here for .RData file
      # for database 
        if (species == "human") {
          sql = paste("SELECT * FROM", count_df, "WHERE mgi_symbol = ?")
          sql = paste("SELECT * FROM", count_df, "WHERE symbol = ?")
        filt = RSQLite::dbGetPreparedQuery(conn, sql,
        filt =
      ## uncomment here for .RData file
      # using R Data 
        # count_df = mat[["count_df"]]
        # if (species == "human"){
        #   filt = count_df[count_df$mgi_symbol %in% genes(),]
        #   X = rownames(filt)
        #   filt = cbind(X, filt)
        # }
        # else {
        #   filt = count_df[count_df$symbol %in% genes(),]
        #   X = rownames(filt)
        #   filt = cbind(X, filt)
        # }

If you plan to store data this way, move to the User Interface section now. If you are working with larger amounts of data, you may find it useful to set up an SQL database (recommended, below).